Thursday, 16 April 2009

You never make me scream !

Oooh! I see what you mean DP.

That is a beautiful heifer..........................................


  1. I wish I had her way with words .......

  2. Ahhh I knew you had all the trapping of a youtube addict!

  3. she is a very talented young lady .... like her dad he is an awesome Sheriff

  4. The still shot preview...I remember when such was considered soft porn to young men in the 70s.

    Not 'in' 70s...I'm stopping while I'm a head.

  5. DP: I wish I had her way with cows.

    Thinknfyou: Please don't remind me, i'm already over twice my ISP contract limit this month.........................

    70s: Totally lost re 'Sheriff', is this something to do with TV ?
    Many years ago, when I DID have a telly, I was into 'The Comic Strip'.
    Lily's Dad Keith, appeared in several episodes.
    'War' was a favourite, and the Mexican Western pastiche (can't remember the name of the episode).

    JC: Soft porn ? Don't know what you mean.............
    But yes, stopping while ahead is probably a good idea (I don't know how i've survived so long).

  6. apologies I forgot you don't have a TV ... Keith Allen is the Sheriff of Nottingham in the latest Beeb 'Robin Hood' series ... he is superb

    ahem JC ~ good maneuver lol

  7. 70s: Ta, i'll check that out. Is 6,000 miles a big enough safety zone for JC ?

  8. wow 6K miles did you plot that out?

  9. 70s: Didn't you do Geography at school ?

    Hope you're teaching your teen...............
