Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Porn? Prawns? What were we talking about ?

I am a real science 'anorak'.

Feed me facts, statistics, I will suck them up like a huge sponge-like sponge-sucking thing....................................

Found this on CNN today while looking for info on a completely different subject (I love the internet).

(CNN) -- NASA scientists say new data provided by twin spacecraft analyzing the sun will help them more accurately predict how so-called solar tsunamis wreak havoc on our planet.
NASA says new data on so-called solar tsunamis will help predict how they will affect our planet.

The tsunamis -- powerful explosions known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs -- produce solar cosmic rays that can interfere with technology, causing power blackouts and disrupting air traffic communications and cell phone networks.

NASA says images captured by its twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, spacecraft have enabled scientists to map the tsunamis in 3D to examine their structure, velocity, mass and direction.

The solar ejections, its says, can release billions of tons of high-velocity plasma into space, producing a shockwave that generates cosmic rays which then plow into our atmosphere.

These can create the brightly-colored auroras, more commonly known as the Northern or Southern lights, but also have more damaging effects, posing particular threats to spacecraft and astronauts.

I can't even remember what I was going to bore you with now.........................

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo - Nina Simone .... one of my all time favourites ........ loverly.

    What's odd is that my TV reception gets worserer the nicer the weather ...... gonna have to put up a dish I'm afraid ..... oh well
