I abhor violence.
Today, Phil Spector
has been convicted of the murder of the actress Lana Clarkson,
six years ago.
Can I say that again?
6 Years ago!
In America, it seems that if you are rich enough, you can get away with murder...................
sort it out Obama.........................
was he remanded all that time or skipping around as free as a bird ???
ReplyDeleteDon't know, but as he's rich, I reckon he's been skippin...................
ReplyDeleteA bit like that scumbag murderer O.J.Simpson
ReplyDeleteConvicted means he was found guilty. No, it's not a perfect system whatsoever...but he IS 'guilty'.
ReplyDeleteRather enjoying my coffee at the moment. :giggle snort:
John: I didn't mean to infer that the USA justice system is alone in this corruption, ours stinks too.